Our Members of the Watertown Elks Lodge appreciate and support the veterans of our Lodge. No matter what branch you served in, whether you were peacetime or wartime, whatever your job path, or how many years you served, raising your hand and committing yourself to service in the military was a brave and selfless act. Your brothers and sisters thank you for your service.
Note: If your name is not on our list and it should be, let us know and we will fix it!
Adams Steven N
Alberry Frances M
Alvarado Seferino
Amedeo Cosmo D Jr.
Amedeo John D
Anders Ward D
Andiorio Jr James C
Barbarito Michael
Barnett Peter R
Barney Eric David
Bernier James T
Bice Dylan M
Bice Michael T
Bishop Lester E
Blackketter Dan
Blankenbush Kenneth
Bonner Jr James M
Boulio Christopher S
Brehm Joseph F
Briant Louis P
Brotherton Justin
Brown Edward M
Bruce John P
Bruno Thomas J
Byard Terry A
Cain Christopher V
Calarco Donald L
Call Dale E
Carl Robert E
Carpenter Vance
Champion Robert L
Chisamore Ronald E
Clough Peter L
Cohen Richard G
Cole Donald R
Colesante George D Jr
Condino John J
Cook Gary
Cosper Stanley
Countryman Al
Cox Jeffrey Morgan
Crescenzi James M
Cummings Michael
Curtis Richard F
D'Ercole Christopher S
Damon John C Sr
Darling Nic
Decker George A
Decker Peter L
DeJourdan Herbert K
Difabion Paul J Jr
Dine Stanley C
Doe John C
Dolce Eugene J
Doney Abraham D
Dragon Gary M
Drake Timothy
Drumm Lisa J
Dunnigan Louis
Edgar Donald
Edus Joseph P
Ellsworth Lee
Fazio Frank D Jr
Fiorentino John W
Flynn Edward
Foure Wayne
Fox Robert L
Frederick Howard G
Fults Steven A
Gaffney David R
Gaffney John J
Gallamore Curtis David
Gallo Walter M
Gallup Russell A
Garnsey Timothy L
Gault Lee
Gee, Thomas E
Geng Michael Frank
Golden Robert
Gorri Frank A
Grant Matthew M
Gravelle Joseph H
Green Paul J
Greene Thomas
Grill Gary
Hall Gordon H
Harter Linda
Hayes Travis L
Hildebranski David
Hoff Steven M
Horning Ronald D
Hosmer Charles N
Hovey Michael E
Howell Patricia C
Howland W Douglas
Huni Christopher
Hutchinson Jason
Irvine Richard J
Jareo Francis
Kalk James
Kelley Peter J
Kelly Timothy E
Keohane James A
Kingsley Charles Bruce
Knight James G
Knobel David H
Kondracki Edward S
LaDuke James
Lafex George
Lagrow Peter R
Lane Michael E
Latray Douglas H
Lawler Carl E
Lee Paul A
Lehr John A
Lennox John J
Lewis William J
Lovelace Allen Edward
Lucidi John A
Mahon Arthur N
Main Dyllon
Mancini Eugene F
Mangini Harry
Marceau Russell J
Marks Joseph
Marshall James M
Massa Edward C
Massa Frank C
Massa Jr Franklin C
Mathar George
Maur Robert B
McAleese Robert W
McCarthy Joseph M
McIlroy Jack P
McIntyre James W
Meier Alicia C
Messina Peter M
Moseley Harold
Mothersell Patrick W
Mower Michael J
Munson Steven G
Murdoch Peter H
Mustizer Edward
Netto Alfred J
Netto Ronald L Sr
Nevers James P
Niles Timothy Clarke
O'Brien Nicholas
O'Connor John F
O'Connor Patrick G
Overton Robert
Parker Arthur H
Pecori Paul J III
Pellerin Frederick A
Petersen James F
Petroske Jack B
Phillips Burt W Jr.
Piatt Robert J
Pierce Wendell W
Pound Randy S
Pound Richard L
Prince Joseph A
Rae John R
Rae John J
Raines Stephen T
Randall Roy
Ransear Charles S
Reape David
Recor Patricia
Recore Robert L
Rich Joseph L
Ritz Jr Alexander F
Roberts Stephen
Robinson Kevin E
Ross Jack N Jr
Rutigliano Stephen
Saiff Robert L
Savidge Charles T
Scee Terry W Jr
Schepis Frank J
Schleher Daniel
Schneider John A
Searles Robert L
Serow Francis Richard
Shaw Donald B
Shelmidine Raymond
Sholett Donald P
Shortsleeve Patrick
Slover William M
Smith James T
Southwell Edward J
Spicer Ronald E
St Joseph John F
Stacey Brian
Stokes Susan
Strauch Herman Jr
Tabolt Ronald D
Tanner Richard D
Tezeno Elijah Karriem
Thomas Theodore A
Thompson Larry R
Thompson Leo K
Todd James A
Trainham Patrick J
Upton William T
VanCamp Dennis J
Verne Henry L
Ward Theodore P
Welbourn William F
Weston Richard
Woodard Albert C
Woodward Robert G
Zaremba Stanley E
Zaremba Sr Arthur H
Zimmerman William F
OFFICERS FOR 2024-2025
Exalter Ruler - Michael Cummings
Esteemed Leading Knight - Philip K Nuffer
Esteemed Loyal Knight - Vacant
Esteemed Lecturing Knight - Anthony "Demo" DeMiceli
Secretary - PER Dennis J Brady
Treasurer - Beth Bennett
Esquire - Karen Miller
Tiler - Sheri Doroha
Chaplain - Linda Lepper
Inner Guard - Margaret "Peg" Bootie
Linnie Clark
Beth Cassada
Jay Miller
PSVP Joan E Carlo
PER Anne M Fleming
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