On the evening of May 6th, the Watertown Elks Lodge # 496 Past Exalted Rulers Association sponsored the Comedy Night held at the Lodge's Banquet Room. The evening turned out to be a hit! The evening was entertained by three great comedians - Dr. Jaxn and Matt Clark and the headliner for the evening was Dan Viola! There were NO sound of crickets chirping and there were a lot of laughters.
The doors opened at 6 PM and the Lodge provided food items for sale and 50/50 raffle. Prior to the main event, there was a joke-off with three contestests. Two of the three contestants are officers of our Lodge. Esteemed Leading Knight Michael Cummings and Trustee / PER Tony Verne gave it a try in the amateur contest along with one other individual (never got to catch her name) and all of them got the entire crowd laughing! Great job!
All the volunteers were Past Exalted Rulers of our Lodge and great job done by all. Such great teamwork!!!
Another successful Elks event. The Children’s Christmas Party! Lots of kids and plenty of pizzas to go around. So great to see children’s smiles on their face. Thank you to those who volunteered in making the pizzas, serving and cleaning up. Hats off to Janet Gardner and Kasey Gardner for collecting names and doing the shopping. We know it wasn’t easy! Tony Verne and John Gaffney for making delicious pizzas! Check out the pictures below!
Harvest dinner meals, Warm Hands Warm Feet and the Children’s Christmas party were all made possible by donations from our members and the community who supports this great organization. Thank you to all!!
On the morning of November 29, 2022, the Watertown Elks Lodge # 496 made a donation in the form of check to CAPC to cover the expense of the purchase of boots and mittens for area children as part of the Elks Annual Operation Warm Hands, Warm Feet. All this was made possible by generous donations of our Lodge members! The area children THANKS YOU and have made us beautiful Thank You cards
Pictured from left to right: PER Dennis J Brady; Mary Jane Mathewson - Family Center Director; PER Trustee Kathy Converse; Craig Cashman - CEO; PER Trustee Cheryl Clark; Trustee Linda Knight; Trish Gay - Head Start Family Special Sr. Specialist.
PER Dennis J Brady announcing Hoop Shoot contest rules and rules of the audience.
Of course, the Hoop Shoot contest could never be much of a success without our volunteers!!! NOTE: You do NOT have to be an Elk to volunteer in this event.
In this picture: Mike St. Joseph, Carol Cerow, PER Anthony J Verne, Geoff Mattraw, Frank Massa and sitting is PSP Tim Kelly. PER Joan Carlo also volunteered and she's the one behind the camera!!!
To all the volunteers, THANK YOU!!
4 boys participated. Group winner:
1st Place - Landon Blair
2nd Place - Mallet Fargo
Two girls participated.
1st Place - Harper Robbins
2nd Place - Morghan LaVancha
Eight boys particpated.
1st Place - Braydon Burdick
2nd Place - Lucas St. Joseph
Three boys participated.
1st Place - Mason Burdick
2nd Place - Shane Millan Jr
On Wednesday morning, November 23rd, our Lodge has something extra to be Thankful for on Thanksgiving.
Watertown Elks Lodge # 496 regretted not being able to provide Harvest Dinner for area senior citizens due to the snowmaggedon over the weekend, but we were able to serve turkey dinner to our members, and then donate the remainder to area community.
Thanksgiving food was donated to the VFW, the Veterans Outreach Center, the Salvation Army and to the temporary shelter for the homeless in Watertown.
Our hearts are full knowing we have contributed to our community and knowing that the homeless will have a nice Thanksgiving meal.
The meals were delivered by Exalted Ruler Ed Massa, PER Anthony Verne and PER Dennis J Brady.
On Saturday, November 12th, 2022, Veterans Day Luncheon was held today at our Watertown Elks Lodge. Opened with a brief ceremony out across the street at our Lodge’s Honorary Outer Guard (Pvt Harold Wright) at 11:00 am. It was followed by opening with Exalted Ruler’s introduction of officers and his opening speech. PER Trustee Anthony J Verne led in prayer. Esteemed Leading Knight led with the scouts in the pledge of allegiance. Fort Drum Sergeant Garnett sang the National Anthem. Our guest speaker was Lt. Col. Peter Young from Fort Drum. PER Joan Carlo led in singing God Bless America to close the luncheon. A good day today.
On November 9, 2022, Drug Awareness chairperson Anthony J. Verne (Watertown Lodge # 496 trustee, PER) went to Glen Park Elementary School to distribute dictionaries and to speak with four 3rd grade classes about the Dictionary, the Elks, what Elks do, the various programs that the Elks have.
The students were engaging and happy to have the beautiful dictionaries that were given to them. This is the 13th elementary school that he has distributed dictionaries to with five more to go, all in Jefferson County.
The Dictionary Project is part of the Drug Awareness program. Drug Awareness program is one of many programs that the Elks provide (Community Activity, Veterans, Youth, Government Relations, ENF, Major Projects, etc.).
On Saturday, March 18th, 2023, it was the ER Volunteer Appreciation Dinner. It was a night for the Exalted Ruler to express his appreciation for the officers, committee members, community members and the volunteers for their service to the Lodge and to the community. There were certificates of appreciation and awards given out. Congratulations to all those deserving individuals!
Certificate of Appreciation: Kim Kowal for her secretarial service
Certificate of Appreciation: Linda Cantwell & Julie Verne for Queen of Hearts and Volunteering
Certificate of Appreciation: JoAnn Pastor for Membership Board & Volunteering
Certifcate of Appreciation: Kasey Gardner for Children's Christmas Party & Volunteering
Employee of the Year: Elwyn Bodley
Committeeperson of the Year: PSP Tim Kelly
Elks Distinguished Citizenship Award: Dominic Nicoll of Salvation Army
Outstanding Service Commendation: PER Tony Verne
Outstanding Service Commendation: PER Dennis J Brady
Officer of the Year: Anne M Fleming
Elk of the Year: Janet Gardner
(write up from Northern New York Community Foundation)
Congratulations to Keely Cooney (left) and KaiAnna S. Navarra (right) who are the 2023 recipients of the Watertown Elks 496 Scholarship.
Keely graduated in June from Immaculate Heart Central School and will attend Jefferson Community College this fall to study education. She aspires to become a history teacher. Keely is the daughter of Erin and Brandon Cooney, Watertown, and the granddaughter of Watertown Elks Lodge #496 members Edward and Carol Brown.
KaiAnna graduated from Watertown High School in June. She will attend Syracuse University this fall to study liberal arts. She will also compete on the university’s cheer team. KaiAnna is the daughter of Sarah Navarra and the granddaughter of Watertown Elks Lodge #496 Past Exalted Ruler Joseph Navarra.
In the picture above with Scholarship Winners: (from left to right) North Central District State Vice President/PER Joan Carlo; North Central District Ritual Chairman/PER Dennis J Brady; Keeley Cooney IHC 2023 grad; Trustee/PER Ed Massa; KaiAnna S. Navarra Watertown High 2023 grad; Esquire Karen Miller; Past State President/PER Timothy E Kelly; Inner Guard Linda Lepper; Esteemed Lecturing Knight/Scholarship Chair Margaret "Peg" Bootie.
The Watertown Elks Lodge #496 Scholarship is a $500 award presented annually to a family member of an Elk in good standing from the Watertown Elks Lodge.
We (Northern New York Community Foundation) are honored to steward this scholarship on behalf of Watertown Elks Lodge #496.
Special thanks goes out to Spokes on the Green for doing a great job feeding area golfers and to Thompson Park Golf Course (Watertown, NY) for providing fantastic opportunity with the NNY Junior Golf tour. There were approximately 60 kids that participated in the golf tournament for kids from age of 10 years through 17 years of age, boys and girls. All the kids had fun and learned basic etiquette, calculating their own score, signing their own scorecards and shake hands with their fellow golfers.
Thank you to our Lodge member Scott Hirst in helping our Lodge be a part of this annual Junior Golf tournament and to Terrance Williams (also our member) and crew members in planning this NNY Junior Golf tour.
The Watertown Elks Lodge # 496 held their Flag Day ceremony at the Lodge today, 14th June, 2023. Flag Day ceremony is usually preceded by the parade, but it got rained out today.
The ceremony was held in the Lodge meeting room with the boy scouts participating in bringing in the flags. The Carthage Elks # 1762 and Lowville Elks # 1605 officers also participated.
Exalted Ruler Anne Fleming led the ceremony with State Vice President Joan Carlo doing the history of the flags. Esquire Karen Miller did the response. Our guest speaker was retired Major General Robert Kasulke.
In the picture on the left from left to right: retired Major General Robert Kasulke, Exalted Ruler Anne Fleming and Esteemed Leading Knight Mike Cummings.
On Monday, October 30th, Kathy Converse (Lodge #496 Warm Feet, Warm Hand chairperson) and Exalted Ruler Anne Fleming went to CAPC to present them with a check for $2,000. This donation is to help area less fortunate kids get new boots and mittens to stay warm through our cold winter months. This was all made possible by donations from our members in our Lodge. THANK YOU, MEMBERS!!!
Sunday, November 19th was our Annual Harvest Dinner for Area Senior Citizens. This event was once again a big success. Made possible by generous donations from our members, over 550 dinners were served. Many volunteers gave up their time on Saturday and Sunday to cook, prepare and pack dinners for area Senior Citizens. There were several drivers that delivered the turkey dinner to senior facilities in the area.
Thank you to all the volunteers that came out to help!!!
Watertown Elks made a donation of $1,000 from Freedom grant to the VA outreach center on Friday November 17th. Presenting the check was Veterans committee chair PER Ed Massa.
The center invited us over for a nice Thanksgiving lunch.
The Elks also donated some food collected from our caring members.
We love our veterans!!
Special thanks to Linda Lepper for our outstanding grant writing skills in getting grants for our lodge.
Also at the luncheon - PER trustees chair Tony Verne, Exalted Ruler Anne Fleming, our grant writer Inner Guard Linda Lepper and PER Dennis Brady.
On Thursday, May 23, 2024, the Lodge delivered a Welcome Home Kit giving the homeless veteran who is moving into an apartment all the basic needs to begin his life again. The kit consisted of the basics such as coffee maker, bathroom towels, bedding, kitchen silverwares and pots and pans, etc. This was the second such delivery of the Welcome Home Kit conducted by Watertown Lodge # 496 to the Peer-to-Peer Veterans Outreach Center (on State Street, Watertown, NY) within the past month. Chaplain/Grant Writer Linda Lepper in cooperation with PER Ed Massa purchased items needed to assist a homeless veteran moving into a home. The Welcome Home Kit Program is part of the Elks’ Veterans program that Watertown Lodge # 496 is proud to be supporting this year.
Pictured Left to Right: Chaplain/Grant Writer Linda Lepper; Exalted Ruler Mike Cummings; Veteran Neil; Loyal Knight/Veterans Committee Chair PER Ed Massa; Center Advocate Michael Hanley; Past State President Tim Kelly.
On December 10th, Watertown Elks # 496 hosted Children's Christmas Party. It was another successful event held by our Lodge. Over 70 children participated and Santa Claus visited our Lodge. All the kids had fun and everyone got to have more than one slice of pizzas. Thanks to all who participated and to all who volunteered.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!!
Veteran's Committee Chair PER Ed Massa delivered $500 worth of donations that were collected by Jay and Karen Miller to the Veteran's Outreach Center.
Abundance of donated items that were collected and delivered. There are additional collected donated items that will be delivered to the Salvation Army of Watertown, NY.
All this being done during the weekend of October 19th.
Lodge Members: Lisa Cooley, PER Ed Massa, Renee Cook, PER Dennis Brady, Fran Alberry and non-member Korey Phelps (Korey in the grayish hoodie). Veteran''s Committee donated $300 to the Feed Our Vets program of Jefferson County and members took part in assisting area Veterans in getting their groceries.
Feed Our Vets is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to help Veterans in the United States, their spouses and children whose circumstances have left them on the battlefield of hunger, and to involve the public in fighting Veteran hunger.
Click "learn more" to learn more about Feed Our Vets.
There was a quote we read that was written on the board on the wall. "Volunteers do not necessarily have the time. They just have the HEART": by Elizabeth Andrew.
On October 24th, a Welcome Home Kit was given to a local Veteran moving into a home. Lodge Chaplain/Grant Writer assisted in making this possible.
"So long as there are Veterans, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks will never forget them".
OFFICERS FOR 2024-2025
Exalter Ruler - Michael Cummings
Esteemed Leading Knight - Philip K Nuffer
Esteemed Loyal Knight - Vacant
Esteemed Lecturing Knight - Anthony "Demo" DeMiceli
Secretary - PER Dennis J Brady
Treasurer - Beth Bennett
Esquire - Karen Miller
Tiler - Sheri Doroha
Chaplain - Linda Lepper
Inner Guard - Margaret "Peg" Bootie
Linnie Clark
Beth Cassada
Jay Miller
PSVP Joan E Carlo
PER Anne M Fleming
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